Friday, July 22, 2011

Picture [Im]Perfect

Every so often, I sit down with my girls and attempt little at-home photo shoots. I pretend like I know what I am doing and try to dress them up and pose them to create memories that will always make me smile.

At the end of our little photo shoots, I usually have taken 35-45 pictures of my sweet girls. Of that, I usually end up with 1 or 2 keepers, like this one...
The rest of those lasting memories tend to look like this...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hey Now, You're an All Star!

This weekend, we made a spur of the moment decision to drive into Crowley, LA to watch our neice, Emily, play in an All Star softball tournament. Emily started playing ball this year and has quickly fallen in love with the sport, and we were so glad that we were able to take a quick trip to cheer her on in her last tournament of the season.

Her team, the Gonzales Lightning, ended in 3rd place. We watched them play multiple games throughout the day. Once they were eliminated from the tournament, we went and had a nice dinner with family at Fezzo's - which was some of the most delicious seafood and cajun food we have had in a while! Then we stayed the night in Crowley.

Molly had a blast cheering for her Emily and the whole team!

Congratulations to Em and the team for a great season! We hope to see you girls play again next year!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

6 Month Update

Ella had her 6 month well visit this morning with her pediatrician. She is topping the charts in the 90th percentile for both weight (18lbs, 4oz) and height (26 5/8 inches). She's got nothing on her big sister, though, who weighed in at 20lbs, 11oz and 28 1/8 inches three years ago when she was 6 months old.

Ella is doing well and impressed the office staff and doctor with her independent sitting and her adorable new "fish face". I have tried to capture this cuteness on camera, but have not been successful. It is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen, though!

To celebrate her 1/2 birthday, Ella joined some of her friends for a 1/2 birthday party at Ooh La La bakery. The moms ate cupcakes on the kids' behalf and the kids donned party hats and exchanged gifts.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Camp!

Where does the time go? I look at this picture of Molly heading off for her first day of summer day camp this morning and I see her in a few years heading off to kindergarten. One thing is for sure - she is not a baby anymore.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Squash: It's What's for Dinner!

Summer Travels

Obviously, this post is overdue since our family vacation this year was close to a month ago! We decided to head to San Antonio and visit Sea World for Father's Day weekend. It was a quick, overnight trip...and given how HOT it is in San Antonio, it was just the right amount of time!

The trip was truly inspired by the generosity of Sea World. They offered all certified Texas educators a complimentary fun card - which gives you unlimited admission through the end of the calendar year. However, you had to redeem your gift before the end of the stifling heat of the month of June.

So we trooped up with our good friends, the Spicers, and claimed our tickets. Of course, Sea World is much more fun when you are 3 and you have your best friend with you. For Molly and Alex, it was a special treat indeed!

We spent one full day playing in the park, and the next day, we made the obligatory stop at the Alamo before heading home to Houston.

We also plan to return to San Antonio this December to get another visit to Sea World without the heat. I have also heard that the lights on the Riverwalk that time of year are quite a sight, so we plan to check that out while we are there.

Ella's Baptism

We had Ella baptized on June 26, 2011 at St. Edith Stein Catholic Church. She had the company of her granny and papa, and her godparents, Christine and Mason, as well as her cousin Victoria here to celebrate with her. Here are a few pictures from her big day, wearing the same gown Molly wore for her baptism.