Thursday, September 6, 2012

Molly's First Day!

I can hardly believe my baby girl is now on Pre-K! I am proud of her, ad excited for this big step, but a little sad to start that process of letting go.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Zoo Day

We had a fun time visiting the Audubon Zoo with some friends last week. After letting the kids splash in the Cool Zoo splash area for about two hours, we headed to the carousel...

Then we visited a few animal friends...

Stopped for a quick picture at the fountain and headed back home!

All in all, it was a great day at the zoo!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blast Off!

This weekend we took a drive to the MS Gulf Coast. We had lunch in Gulfport, drive down the beach, visited the outlet mall, and took a tour of NASA's new Infinity Science Center.

Molly enjoyed seeing all the rockets and getting to walk through the mock space shuttle.

Bobby and I even got in on the space fun! And of course, Bobby had some freeze dried ice cream to snack on as we drove home. Molly actually tried it, but was not a fan!

Backyard Fun

Ella says "Hi!"

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Dip in the Pool

Summer is just around the corner, which means hot days and lots of fun in the sun!  We always get a pool for the backyard, and Molly was eager to try out her new zebra sprinkler pool this year.  So on a warm afternoon, we set it up and let them play.

Now, I knew Ella would enjoy this because she LOVES water.  Taking a bath is probably one of her favorite events of the day.  When I say bath, she takes off RUNNING and giggling through the house and makes a beeline for the bathtub.  She has even figured out how to climb in all on her own.

To say she enjoyed it would be an understatement.  She had such a blast splashing around and playing with Molly.

We are planning to take the girls to their first beach experience of the summer (and first ever time for Ella!) on Saturday to kick off our Memorial Day weekend. I am excited to see how they enjoy the sand between their toes and the waves crashing around them. 

What do you have planned for Memorial Day?  Whatever it is, enjoy it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter holiday and I hope your family did as well!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Obviously, so much has happened.  That, or I forgot my password again.

No, really, it's been busy.

We had two birthdays and now parent a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old.  In between celebrating those birthdays, we moved from Texas back home to Louisiana.  We both quit our jobs in Texas and Bobby started a new job here in the New Orleans area.  I became a stay-at-home mom.  I loved it.  I hated it.  I was challenged by it.  And then I got a job offer.  I cried because it was what I wanted - and what I didn't want.  And while it feels great to be back in the classroom, I miss my babies every single day. 

Ella had to get tubes in her ears for chronic ear infections.  I was glad to be home with her through that process and through her surgery.  As fate would have it, I started working the week after her tubes were placed.  She has been doing great since we had the procedure done and I know it was the right choice.

She goes to daycare now and she is not a fan.  She misses her momma and our time together.  She became quite attached in our two month break from routine. 

Molly has adjusted well and has a new dancing school and after two months of part-time preschool, goes to school daily with Ella now.  That was a rough adjustment for her because she loved her first school, but she has come around.  She has proven herself resilient, and I am so proud of how she has handled all the change.

We have also done lots of fun things since moving home and I will be sharing those soon.  It feels good to have a sense of being settled and to feel the whirlwind slowing down.  Now it's just time to focus on our new life here in New Orleans with my two girls.