Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter holiday and I hope your family did as well!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Obviously, so much has happened.  That, or I forgot my password again.

No, really, it's been busy.

We had two birthdays and now parent a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old.  In between celebrating those birthdays, we moved from Texas back home to Louisiana.  We both quit our jobs in Texas and Bobby started a new job here in the New Orleans area.  I became a stay-at-home mom.  I loved it.  I hated it.  I was challenged by it.  And then I got a job offer.  I cried because it was what I wanted - and what I didn't want.  And while it feels great to be back in the classroom, I miss my babies every single day. 

Ella had to get tubes in her ears for chronic ear infections.  I was glad to be home with her through that process and through her surgery.  As fate would have it, I started working the week after her tubes were placed.  She has been doing great since we had the procedure done and I know it was the right choice.

She goes to daycare now and she is not a fan.  She misses her momma and our time together.  She became quite attached in our two month break from routine. 

Molly has adjusted well and has a new dancing school and after two months of part-time preschool, goes to school daily with Ella now.  That was a rough adjustment for her because she loved her first school, but she has come around.  She has proven herself resilient, and I am so proud of how she has handled all the change.

We have also done lots of fun things since moving home and I will be sharing those soon.  It feels good to have a sense of being settled and to feel the whirlwind slowing down.  Now it's just time to focus on our new life here in New Orleans with my two girls.