Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Update

I write this approaching the 29 week mark of my pregnancy. It is surreal to me that in 11 weeks (or less!) we will be welcoming our second baby girl, Miss Ella Kathryn, into our family.

Today at my doctor's appointment, Ella confirmed that she does not enjoy having her heartbeat detected as she promptly kicked the nurse the moment she set the doppler on my stomach. She constantly moves around all day, every day, and continues to make mama suffer from bouts of morning sickness. I have a feeling, if her movement is any indication, that she will be a strong baby, just like her big sister was.

We have also made some progress in preparing her room. We ordered her furniture about a week ago (thank you, Granny and PawPaw!) and cannot wait for it to get here to see how it all comes together. Here is a sneak peek:



Molly continues to be excited about her baby sister, continuously telling her teachers about Ella, calling her by name, and sharing her excitement with anyone who asks her about the baby.

There are a lot of moments of quiet reflection for me lately as I watch Molly day to day and wonder how it will be when another baby girl has joined the picture. Molly is such a happy child, full of life and innocence, and it is almost impossible to imagine rocking her world with such a major change. Part of me wants to protect her from the uncertainty that will inevitably accomany the arrival of Ella. Part of me cannot wait to see her as a big sister, because I know she will amaze me and be instantly in love with her baby sister. Part of me wants to hold her tight and rock her to sleep and assure her that life will be no different; part of me knows that she needs to grow and understand that it will indeed be different. Despite how our lives will change, all of me knows that our family will grow stronger and closer once we welcome Ella.

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