Sunday, April 3, 2011

A New Decade

I remember a time in my life when 30 seemed like it was so old. So far away. So out of reach.

I sit here, now a 30-year-old, and laugh at the way perspective can change. I am not sure where I thought I would be at this point in my life, and I am not sure it matters. What I know is that I have been blessed beyond measure. My parents, 300 miles away, drove up the day after my birthday to surprise me with a visit and to take me out for a birthday dinner. Imagine the surprise and the love to pull into your driveway to be greeted by your parents' car sitting there.

I have a husband who works hard to provide for all of us, and is dedicated to perfecting the work/life/family balance. And I have two perfect, healthy children. I cannot imagine my life without the love of Molly and Ella in it. I cannot imagine my life without their smiles, laughter, kisses, and hugs. Yes, I am truly blessed, and eternally grateful, for the past 30 years that have brought me to this point, and for the people who have loved me along the way.

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