Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Months Old

Ella Bella,

Today, you are 5 months old. I cannot believe that much time has elapsed since you came into our lives. You have grown to be a smiley, cuddly, loving baby. You adore your big sister and love to laugh at her while she plays with you. You still love your swing and also enjoy jumping and playing in your jumperoo.

You are finally starting to get the hang of eating cereal. Soon, we will rock your culinary world with things like peas and carrots and bananas and apples. I can't wait to see you experience all of these new tastes for the first time, and am so glad to be home with you for the summer as you do.

You roll over all the time from back to belly. Then you get mad about the fact that you are on your belly. Silly baby girl, you just need to figure out how to roll back the other way. Until you do, though, we will be here to flip you back over when you want. Sometimes when we go check on you at night, you are sleeping soundly on your tummy. You seem to care not that the experts discourage this behavior. C'est la vie, little bug.

Oh, and your newest skill is sitting independently. You have just started to really do this, and are getting better and stronger day by day. We are so proud of you and happy to have you as part of our family.

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