Thursday, September 8, 2011

8 Months Old

Ella Bella,

Today, you are 8 months old, and I look at you in amazement at that realization. You are still such a baby to me. Everyone tells me not to compare you to your older sister, but I can't help it. By this time, Molly had 5 teeth and had been crawling all over the place for a solid two months. Today, you have two teeth (finally!) that have just broken the surface of your bottom gums, and while you can get around as much as you want by other means, you still can't seem to figure out that crawling business.

I smile, though, because you are my baby. My last baby, most likely, and I cherish that you are still such a baby in so many ways. I delight in the fact that you move at your own pace and seem uninterested in growing too fast. I think you are this way so that I can hold onto my baby as long as possible. And for that, I am thankful.

At 8 months old, you:
-would rather scoot around on your bottom than crawl
-pull yourself up to standing on furniture, people, toys, and anything else you can get your hands on
-are determined to stand unassisted in the bathtub of all places
-absolutely love the bathtub and bathtime with Molly
-still light up like nothing else when Molly talks to you and plays with you
-cry when momma leaves the room
-babble dada all.the.time
-blow raspberries (especially at mealtime)
-are ticklish
-laugh out loud with all that you have, which makes us all laugh right along with you

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