Friday, October 29, 2010

A Halloween Princess

When I asked Molly what she wanted to be for Halloween this year, she promptly replied with "A Princess!" Of course, I followed that up by asking which princess she wanted to be. She told me Belle. As luck would have it, we already had a Belle costume that had never been touched (we bought it for our trip to Disney and she never ended up wearing it). With a quick trip to Target, we had a matching crown and shoes for the perfect costume...

molly halloween

So this morning, when we woke Molly up, she reminded us that she got to wear her costume to school today. She was quite excited, so when I asked her what her costume was and she proudly proclaimed "Cinderella!" I was a little surprised.

I mean, what about Belle? What about the perfectly matched gold shoes to go with her dress? Hadn't we planned out her costume so perfectly? So goes another lesson in parenthood of a cannot be planned out without the expectation of a change in the plans.

Lucky for all of us, we do own a Cinderella dress...she had worn it to dine with Cinderella and Prince Charming in Disney World. We also had the matching crown. So we pulled out the Cinderella dress and started to get ready for our day. She was all smiles once she was transformed to a princess.



So as the Halloween weekend begins, we have already been Belle and Cinderella. She did briefly mention that she wanted to be Jasmine this morning, which we quickly ignored and moved past. I mean, we don't have an endless supply of princess dresses in her closet, you know. At least, not yet.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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