Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Patch and Fall Carnival

What Halloween would be complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch? The church across the street from the school where I teach has an annual pumpkin patch, so as we drove past after lunch today and noticed there were only a few pumpkins left, we decided to stop and take some pictures of Molly, since it was looking like our last chance.

As we drew closer to the pumpkins, we noticed all of the remaining ones were disfigured, miscolored, or covered with bumps. What made me smile was that Molly didn't seem to notice. To her, they were just pumpkins, and it reminded me of how innocently children see our world and its people every single day. She even hugged the pumpkins goodbye as we left and assured them we would be back again to see them.



After our trip to the pumpkin patch, we went home to get Molly changed into her costume for her school's Fall Carnival. She was happy to be Belle again, so we went to school and she was glad to see her friends, play some games, and collect lots of candy. The highlight of her day was by far painting pumpkins. She had such a great time sitting and painting with some of her classmates. She also really enjoyed getting her nails painted pink and her hair colored (temporarily, mind you!) purple at the Spooky Spa station of the carnival. If you look closely in the pics below, you can notice her pink nails and purple hair. All in good Halloween fun :)



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