Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where has the time gone?

I laughed and cried to myself tonight as I pulled up Molly's old blog and realized it had been over a year since I updated it.

Where did that year go? How has she changed? How has she grown? Why did I lose the motivation (or maybe the time, energy, interest?) to chronicle her little life? And then that Mama guilt hit full force.

Here I sit awaiting the arrival of my second daughter and I realize that a whole year has passed by on what was supposed to be Molly's space online, and that space is blank. So in an attempt to recapture what was lost, here is a small chronicle of what we missed...

-We saw snow! It snowed a total of three times in the winter of 2009!



-Molly turned TWO!

bw with balloons

-We took our first trip to Disney World!


-Molly started ballet classes!


-We learned that Molly will be a big sister!


Of course, her life has also had other major events and she continues to amaze me every day with her energy for life and learning. She loves to sing songs, play puzzles, and give kisses and hugs on demand. I am truly blessed to have such a little lovebug to call my own. I anticipate with eagerness and love the day she meets her baby sister and starts to teach her all that she knows. I know she will love and protect her like no other.

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