Monday, October 24, 2011

Remembering Marie

This is Marie.

That smile you see? That’s the true embodiment of who she was.

To know her smile was to know her. The warmth, love, joy, sense of welcoming that personified her smile defined the person she was. Ever thoughtful, putting others ahead of herself, and enabling a sense of peace within anyone she came into contact with during her short life.

And indeed, her life was too short. To imagine the things she could have done, the things she wanted to do, the things she dreamed of, is to doubt God’s plan. And while it is hard not to do just that, and not to question why such an incredible person was taken so unexpectedly, so abruptly from our lives, we must remember the faith Marie held and exercise that same faith in her death.

During this time of loss, we must remember the way Marie loved and take care of one another. Mickey, I hope you never doubt the love she had for you. The twinkle in her eyes and the smile on her lips when she was with you was unmistakable. You were her true love, and I am so happy you found one another.

She truly was an angel on Earth. I am thankful to God for lending her to us, for choosing me to be one of the people she touched in her time with us. I am thankful to have shared in so many of her happy, defining memories. To have been a gift bearer in her wedding while my husband stood beside her groom on the altar. To have shared with her a love of children and of teaching. To have made such fond memories while on vacation with her just three short months ago.

It has been said that if you live on in the hearts and lives of the ones you have touched, you will never truly die. Marie has touched so many lives, her legacy will thrive. Of that, I have no doubt. Marie executed such a gracious life full of faith, hope, and love, hers will be the Kingdom of Heaven. Of that, I am certain. Rest in peace, Marie. Our hearts are heavy, and the tears still fall, but you are where you are destined to be. Of that, I have absolute faith.

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