Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Might Have Been

Today would have been my official due date for Ella. It's surreal that this long-awaited date has finally made its way here, 40 weeks from its initial anticipation, and I have snuggled in my lap as I type this, a baby girl who is one day shy of two weeks old.

The past two weeks have been an absolute whirlwind of getting acquainted to the demands of a newborn infant - something that seems so far ago in the past with Molly - and getting acquainted to life as a family of four. We had our initial family outing in these past two weeks and stopped for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. When we walked in, the server said, "Table for Four?" And it felt so right to say, "Yes." We are loving every minute of being a party of four.

To celebrate our due date and to celebrate Ella being awake and alert today, we did a little photo shoot. Here are some new pictures to enjoy!

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