Friday, January 28, 2011

Three Weeks Old!

I don't want to jinx myself, but everyone always told us what a good and easy baby Molly was and that we should stop while we were ahead. It's impossible to have two good babies in a row, the naysayers would naysay. Well, guess what? We beat the odds.

I am not saying that I have two absolutely perfect children 100% of the time, but Ella is such a content and peaceful baby. Even her "screaming" is calm and collected and easy to soothe for the most part. She is a bit of a night owl, sometimes getting her second wind between the hours of 9pm and midnight, but once she goes down, she generally sleeps in stretches of at least 3 hours. Last night, she even gave us a solid 5 hour stretch from 12am-5am. Talk about grateful parents!

I also must say that parenting the second time around is a lot more calm for me. I feel more in control and less anxious about things than I did with Molly. I actually find myself worrying more about how Molly is adjusting to the baby than anything else. And I think she is adjusting pretty well. Every day when she comes home from school, she asks for baby Ella and gives her sweet kisses and hugs. And on the days when Ella and I go pick her up from school, she shows the baby off to all of her friends and teachers, telling them not to touch her because they have dirty hands. What a sweet, protective big sister!

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