Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fish Face!

About two months ago, Ella started to make the funniest, cutest fish face you have ever seen. She does it quite often, especially when she is eating. I have been trying to get it on camera for a while now, and was finally successful (somewhat!)

And while we are not entirely sure where she picked up such a thing, we do have a theory...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Six Years Later = Six Moments of Thanks

August 29, 2005 will forever be a day embedded in who I am. It is a day that will bring with its anniversary a gamut of emotions, reflections, memories, hope, faith, and love. It is a day that will remind me always that life goes on, time heals all wounds, and things cannot always be predicted, planned, predetermined.

On this day, the sixth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, I have decided to write about the 6 biggest blessings in my life: the six things I am, today, most grateful for.

1. Family
Making the decision to leave New Orleans after Katrina was not easy. Starting fresh in a brand new place with no immediate support system was extremely difficult. I am thankful that my family supported my decision and continues to offer support and love long distance.

2. Home
While I often dwell on the fact that our 1200 square foot house is entirely too small for our growing family, I am thankful to have a home. I am thankful that we were able to bring our children home to a solid roof over their heads, and that we had a place to land while we healed from our disaster.

3. Job
I was fortunate enough to secure a job in Texas less than a month after moving here. Despite that it was the middle of the school year, and I was from out of state, I found a school that saw potential in me. Last week, I walked through the doors of that same school for my 7th first day on that campus. I absolutely love the people I work with, who also have been a huge support system in my world.

4. Acceptance
Today, I am blessed to know many people here in Texas who I consider some of my best friends. I feel like I have a family here now and know there are people who I can count on for support, encouragement, friendship, and most of all, acceptance. I am thankful to those people who have accepted me for who I am, and offered me the wonderful gift of companionship. I am also forever thankful that I have faithful friends back home who stay in touch and have accepted my choice to live somewhere new.

5. Children
My biggest post-Katrina accomplishment is undoubtedly my two little girls. I am thankful that I get to raise them in a place that has much to offer, but also that I get to share my home with them often. I am thankful to have their innocence surround me every single day, and to be reminded that the world is a beautiful place full of beautiful people through the eyes of a child.

6. Love
I could not have made it through the last six years of my life without my husband. For the unconditional love, the unwavering friendship, and the undying loyalty, I am grateful. I could not imagine anyone else by my side as we picked up the pieces, held on tight, and took a leap of faith in life and in love.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ella's New Ride

We decided today to go ahead and switch Ella into her convertible carseat today. The infant carrier has become so heavy as she has grown, and I find myself usually taking her out of the carrier anyway when we go places, so we figured it was a good time to make the switch.

While Bobby set it up and Ella tried it out, I took a few pictures. She doesn't look too thrilled just yet, so we'll see how she does tomorrow on her maiden voyage!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Daddy Daughter Date Night

Several weeks ago, Bobby called me from work to tell me that he was going on a date. With Molly.

Apparently, he had discovered that Chick Fil A was hosting an event called "Daddy Daughter Date Night" complete with reserved seating and table service. He signed them up for a 7pm dinner reservation.

Tonight is date night. Ella and I are home while the two of them are out painting the town. I snapped a few pictures before they left. Molly was excited to get to put on some lipstick and a "pearl" necklace from momma's jewelry box. What a sweet guy, and an awesome dad. I have two very lucky little girls, for sure.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Goodbye, Summer!

Summer officially ended for us this past week when I went back to work for the new school year. As my students prepare to return to my classroom tomorrow morning, I find myself smiling back at the fun summer I have had with my little loves.

Every year, as an end of class assignment, I have my students write a copycat poem using an excerpt from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Reflecting back on my own summer, I found myself running that excerpt of the novel through my head, and decided to manipulate my own version.

Summer was the season of childhood: it was dancing in the misty waterfall of a backyard sprinkler, or floating in an icy pool;

Summer was growth and change; it was a thousand moments of laughter and giggles; but most of all, summer was time with my two girls.

Goodbye, Summer!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to Ballet - And Tap!

Last year, Molly had a great year taking ballet. Since the class did not meet for the summer, several times she has asked when she gets to go back to dancing class and see Miss Erica.

Today was that day, and she was so excited to be back!

This year, her class is full. There are 10 girls, compared to last year where there were only five of them. While it is a bigger class, it seemed like all of the girls in the class had a great time, and all of them participated well.

Molly was equally excited that her friends Lacey and Alex were in class with her again.

We are excited to see them perform in two shows this year - The Nutcracker in December, and the school's recital in May!

She is the fourth from the right, looking at these two:

Also new this year is tap! The class is split with 30 minutes of ballet and 30 minutes of tap. Check out those shiny white tap shoes - she loved it!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Couponing Confessions

I do not coupon because I have been inspired by the show "Extreme Couponing". Truth is, I have only ever seen 1/2 of an episode, and anyone who purchases that much cous cous is not my definition of inspiring. Even if it is free.

I do not wake up at midnight to ransack the shelves at the drugstores, or buy multiple issues of the weekly paper, or steal coupon inserts from other people, or raid trash bins or recycling bins. I do not buy coupons on the Internet.

I coupon because I have come to the realization that saving money on the necessities of life is actually quite simple, and enjoyable. I feel great when I walk out of a store and know that I spent a mere fraction of what I used to spend on the same products. I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when I see the savings of my grocery store trip totaled at the bottom of my receipt.

For example, once upon a time, if I needed paper towels, I would go to Target and pick up a $12-$15 pack of 12 rolls or so of paper towels. I would not have a coupon. If I needed diapers, I would pick up a 100(ish) count box and pay around $19 for them.

Take a look at this photo from my shopping trip today...

The total cost of this trip was $45.54. I got back 2 $10 gas cards, an expense I would incur regardless, so deducting that from my cost, I spent $25.54. This is almost $10 less than what I would have spent on diapers and paper towels alone, once upon a time, and I got way more stuff!
In addition to diapers (126 of them) and paper towels (18 rolls), I have 50 Bandaids, 1 nail polish, 2 candy bars (not pictured - we ate them!), 24 bottles of water (not pictured), 20 pantiliners, and 36 tampons.

So, I guess my truth about couponing is this: It's simple, it's fun, and trust me, there are way better and more fun things you will find to spend your savings on! Happy Shopping!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You May Not Know It Now

I don't really remember the first time I heard Trace Adkin's song "You're Gonna Miss This", but I am sure I cried. And every time I hear it now, I still tear up and think about my girls.

Tonight, as I rocked Ella to sleep, I took a look around a living room floor that closely resembles a toystore, and those lyrics popped right into my head. It's true that there are days when I spend too much time focused on the things that need to be done and forget to live in the moment.

You're gonna miss this...
You're gonna want this back... You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast...
You're gonna miss this... So take a good look around...

You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this.

It's funny, because although we all do know it's true, it's easy to forget that at some point in the not-so-distant future, we will indeed miss moments (and even messes!) like these.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

7 Months Old!

It goes too fast.

Before we know it, we will celebrate first Halloween, first Christmas, and first Birthday. Before we know it, she will be crawling, walking, dancing in a line of other little girls at ballet class.

Before we know it, she will no longer be a toothless, drooly, loving, cuddly baby girl. That's why it's so important to hold onto those moments today.

At 7 months, Ella loves to smile and laugh - especially at her big sister. No one can make this baby light up and giggle the way Molly can. It's the cutest thing you will ever see. She loves to cuddle and be rocked and held.

She is not yet mobile - no crawling or pulling up, but she's starting to get up on all fours and get into position. Any day now, she will take off.

She sleeps consistently through the night now, and has settled into a pretty predicatble routine. She loves loves loves bathtime. And story time.

Happy 7 months, Ella Bella!

Friday, August 5, 2011

You Know You're a Mom When...

You know you're a mom when you tune to your CD player in the car and instead of getting Blake Shelton (as you expected), you get Kindermusick jamming to BINGO.

...And you don't immediately turn it off.

...And you are alone.

...All alone.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bragging Rights

Back in February, Bobby was asked to consider accepting a nomination from the Texas Society of CPA's to participate in the American Institute of CPA's annual Leadership Academy for successful CPA's under the age of 35.

Bobby accepted the nomination and began the application process in April. Last month, we found out he had been selected from a pool of over 100 nominees as one of the 34 participants. Today, the word was officially released in the below press release from the AICPA...

AICPA Announces 2011 Leadership Academy
Published August 02, 2011

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is pleased to announce that it has selected 34 young CPAs to participate in the Institute’s third annual Leadership Academy. This diverse group of CPAs will attend courses, lectures and mentoring sessions to develop the skills necessary to become the next generation of leaders in business, industry, government and the accounting profession.

“The AICPA takes its commitment to diversity and the development of young leaders within the accounting profession very seriously,” said Paul Stahlin, CPA, AICPA chair. “Within the last three years, we’ve happily witnessed a surge in the amount of highly qualified young people choosing to become CPAs. The young CPAs selected to participate in this year’s Leadership Academy have demonstrated, their commitment to the profession, to their communities and their potential to become future leaders.”

The participants attending the AICPA’s Leadership Academy represent a cross section of the profession’s role in the American capital market system. Some work in public accounting and others in business, industry, government or academia. The 2011 class has twice the number of business, industry and government participants as the classes of 2009 and 2010. The tax and audit split is 50 / 50 and 11 states have first time candidates. On an ethnic, gender and geographic basis, this year’s Leadership Academy is as diverse as America. They are equally divided between men and women and include CPAs of Asian, African American, Caucasian, Hispanic / Latino, Native American and Pacific Islander descent from all over the United States.

“The Leadership Academy is a great example of how the AICPA works to achieve its vitally important mission to develop young CPAs to lead the accounting profession and help meet its obligation to serve the public interest,” said Barry Melancon, CPA, AICPA president and CEO, who will address the Leadership Academy. “These ambitious, talented professionals are the future of the accounting profession. And through the AICPA’s Leadership Academy, the future begins now.”

The Institute selected the participants from a large pool of candidates sponsored by either their employers and/or state CPA societies. Candidates, who must be under 35 years of age, were selected on the basis of their work history, licensure information, professional volunteer activities, community service and awards and honors. In addition, each candidate supplied a statement explaining why participating in the academy would be important personally. AICPA senior leadership reviewed and evaluated each submission and a selection committee recommended the participants. All finalists were personally approved by both the AICPA Chair and CEO.

Upon graduation from the Leadership Academy, the AICPA will assign each attendee to either an AICPA volunteer committee or a state society volunteer committee in the participant’s home state. Former Institute chairs, members of its board of directors and governing Council will serve as personal mentors.

The workshop will be held in Durham, Oct. 3-5. The following CPAs comprise the 2011 Leadership Academy:

Brandon M. Allfrey, CPA, Squire and Co., PC, Orem, Utah

Zeeshan Baig, CPA, CMA, MBA, Uponor, Inc., Apple Valley, Minn.

Anna L. Barnes, CPA, CFSA, Regions Financial Corporation, Birmingham, Ala.

James Boomer, CPA, Boomer Consulting, Inc., Manhattan, Kan.

Marie Brilmyer, CPA, SS&G - CPAs and Advisers, Akron, Ohio

Rachel Flaskey-Buse, CPA, ABV, CFF, MBA, Sioux Falls, S.D.

Valarie Davis, CPA, Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA, Columbia, S.C.

Mandy Kay French, CPA, CIA, CFE, HoganTaylor LLO, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Linda Marie Gieringer, CPA, JPMS Cox, PLLC, Little Rock, Ark.

Gerardo Godinez, CPA, Moss Adams, LLP, San Diego, Calif.

Keith R. Hoffman, CPA, Herbein + Company, Inc, Reading, Penn.

Audrey J. Jaramillo, CPA, Moss Adams, Albuquerque, N.M.

Darwin C. Jones, Apax Partners, New York, N.Y.

Ernest Dominique Kammogne, CPA, MAE, MSA, CTA, Cargill, Mt. Vernon, Ind.

Deborah Krambeck, CPA, CFE, Frankel Zacharia, LLC, Omaha, Neb.

Luke Lammer, CPA, Loras College, Marion, Iowa

Raelynn Mackenzie, CPA, MBA, Amkor Technology, Chandler, Ariz.

Elizabeth McGinn, CPA, L.L. Bean, Inc., Freeport, Maine

Dana M. McIntire, CPA, Trout, Beeman & Co., P.C., Harrisonville, Mo.

Amber Marie Nuse, CPA, MSBA, McGree, Hearne & Paiz, LLP, Cheyenne, Wyo.

Dominic R. Ortiz, CPA, Prairie Band Casino & Resort, Mayetta, Kan.

Joshua W. Partlow, CPA, Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP, Burlington, Vt.

Andrew Powell, CPA, MBA, VA Auditor of Public Accounts, Richmond, Va.

Ed E. Ramos, CPA, Dywer Pembetron and Coulson, P.C., Tacoma, Wash.

Alfonso Rossy-Raices, CPA, Deloitte & Touche, LLP, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Jeremiah L. Rouance, CPA, First Interstate Bancsystem, Billings, Mont.

Robert H. “Bobby” Schroeder IV, CPA, Weaver, Houston, Texas

Robert Smalley, CPA, BerryDunn, Manchester, N.H.

Leisa A. Stanberry, CPA, Stanberry CPA, Cookeville, Tenn.

Shannon Stith, CPA, MBA, Boise, Inc., Boise, Idaho

Christine D. Sturtevant, CPA, CEO, Premier Medical Group, Inc., Clarksburg, W. Va.

Alicia Sweeney, CPA, Ernst & Young, Denver, Colo.

Gordon Tom, CPA, KMH LLP, Honolulu, Hawaii

Jennifer Zerangue, CPA, MBA, Broussard Poche Lewis & Breaux, Carencro, La.

Congratulations, honey! We are very proud of you!

Rock the Boat

Bobby and I went on a cruise! About a month ago. Nothing like timely news, right?!

We had the opportunity to vacation with some of our best friends on board the Carnival Triumph for a 4 night cruise from New Orleans to Cozumel, Mexico. My parents agreed to watch the girls for us so we could get away on our own without the kids, something we had not done since May of 2007! Had it really been that long?

We started planning the trip about a year in advance of our departure date, and as it grew closer, we grew more and more excited. I had never been on a cruise before, so I was somewhat apprehensive, but it really was a great time! I must have liked something about it, because I find myself on the Carnival website on a weekly basis these days looking at future cruise opportunities!

So we left on a Thursday out of New Orleans. We spent the first day exploring the boat and the scenic sailaway from our hometown.

That night, we had our first on board dinner. Everything you have heard about dining on a cruise is true. There is food EVERYWHERE. And it's good. And you will eat a lot. And no one cares!

It was quite a sight to wake up on Friday morning to blue water! We were certainly no longer in the Mississippi River!

Friday was our first day at sea. We enjoyed sleeping in (a treat for us in itself!), laying out on deck, and exploring the ship some more. The girls and I participated in a digital scavenger hunt and took home first place. That's right, we claimed the coveted Carnival Triumph Ship on a Stick. Be jealous.

Friday night was elegant night on board, so our group got all dolled up for some photos!
On Saturday morning, we were in Cozumel!

We had booked an excursion to go snorkeling that morning. It was called the Deluxe Sail, Snorkel, and Beach Party. We boarded a catamaran and headed into open water for some snorkeling. When we reached the drop point, we suited up and took a dive to see various tropical fish in the water. After we snorkeled for about an hour, we were taken to a private beach to play in the water for about an hour. Then we boarded up the catamaran and headed back to the mainland.

After our excursion, we all went back to the cruise ship to clean up and change clothes. We decided to take a taxi downtown for lunch and shopping. We went to eat at Pancho's Backyard. There is one of these located on the pier as well, and it was amazing! We all enjoyed a margarita with our meal and then did a little shopping in the Forum Shops.

After our trip downtown, we headed back to the pier area for some more shopping and sightseeing. We were back on board with time to spare for our return voyage.

We began to disembark at around 5pm from Cozumel. We watched from our balcony as the ship pilots led us from the dock.

We also got to see the Carnival Ecstasy leave the dock at the same time. This ship sails from Galveston. As we left the island, it was fun to wave and shout back and forth to the passengers on their balconies across the dock.

Later that evening, as we were sailing back home, I looked out of our cabin window and saw their ship sailing in the distance. Being so used to seeing nothing but open water, it was quite a sight to catch it!

Sunday was our last day on board. We went to the towel making class that morning, to learn the magic behind the fun Carnival towel animals.

We spent the rest of the day enjoying the ship and packing up since we had to have our luggage out before we left for dinner. We also got to see the stage production The Big Easy that night, which was pretty good.

After our final dinner, it was time to say goodbye to our pal and waiter, Marty. He was awesome and we were so sad to say goodbye!

It was definitely a great vacation, and having such great friends on board with us made it even better. Thank you all for coming with us, and I look forward to doing it again soon!