Sunday, August 7, 2011

7 Months Old!

It goes too fast.

Before we know it, we will celebrate first Halloween, first Christmas, and first Birthday. Before we know it, she will be crawling, walking, dancing in a line of other little girls at ballet class.

Before we know it, she will no longer be a toothless, drooly, loving, cuddly baby girl. That's why it's so important to hold onto those moments today.

At 7 months, Ella loves to smile and laugh - especially at her big sister. No one can make this baby light up and giggle the way Molly can. It's the cutest thing you will ever see. She loves to cuddle and be rocked and held.

She is not yet mobile - no crawling or pulling up, but she's starting to get up on all fours and get into position. Any day now, she will take off.

She sleeps consistently through the night now, and has settled into a pretty predicatble routine. She loves loves loves bathtime. And story time.

Happy 7 months, Ella Bella!

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