Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

This is our first year to spend Christmas in Katy since we have moved here 5 years ago. It's kind of bittersweet. While we miss the traditions of our families back at home, it is also exciting to be in our own home and I anticipate the excitement I will see when Molly wakes up and discovers her presents from Santa tomorrow morning under her own tree.

This evening we decided to go to mass at 5pm. Molly usually goes to the church nursery when we go to mass, but since it was Christmas Eve, the nursery was closed and she came and sat with us. I was really proud of how well she did.

Here she is in her Christmas Eve dress, ready to go to church.


When we got home, we had a nice dinner of gumbo and the company of one of our friends from New Orleans whose parents now live in Houston. After dinner, we let Molly open all of her presents that were under the tree. We figured she would have plenty more from Santa tomorrow.


She had a great time opening her gifts and then playing with them (and with Matt!) before heading to bed for the night.


I cannot wait to see her face tomorrow morning when she wakes up to Santa's goodies!

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