Monday, December 20, 2010

Ella Update

Miss Ella has grown into quite the chunky monkey! Last week we had some concerns because my blood pressure was elevated and I tested positive for protein in my urine; two signs of preeclampsia. So my doctor ordered me to complete a 24 hour urine collection for additional protein testing as well as bloodwork for my kidney and liver functions. She also wanted to retest my platelet levels, which had shown up low in my last lab work.

So today we went in for a follow-up and an ultrasound to see how baby was growing. The ultrasound tech estimated her weight to be at 7 pounds, 9 ounces already! If she kept on target for average growth, she would be around 10 pounds when I hit 40 weeks!

The good news was that all my lab work and blood work came back normal and some of the potential concerns of my doctor subsided as a result. We discussed my blood pressure since it continues to be elevated, and also discussed potential plans for delivery since Ella is measuring 3 weeks ahead and is so big.

We don't have a definite plan at this point, but an induction around 38 weeks is likely where we are heading. I return to the doctor on Wednesday to check blood pressure and then tentatively again next Wednesday. If things continue on this path, we will likely be setting a date in the near future to welcome Ella to the world.

Here's a snapshot of her from today's ultrasound. She's pretty much out of room in there, so it's the best that the tech could get of her!

ella 35 weeks

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