Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye, 2010!

Overall, I would say 2010 was a solid year for us. I thought I could take a few moments to reflect on some of the year's biggest moments and memories...

-Finishing my Masters degree and earning Principal certification
-Taking Molly to Disney World for the first time and introducing her to the princesses first hand
-Finding out we would be welcoming a second child - a second daughter - into our lives
-Celebrating Molly's 2nd birthday
-Celebrating a promotion for Bobby at work
-Celebrating the improved health and recovery of my dad from many surgeries and uncertainties throughout the year

As we head into 2011, of course our biggest endeavor will be the birth of Ella. We are so blessed and ready to make her a part of our family. I am thankful that though this pregnancy has had some complications, we have made it through and will soon be welcoming our healthy baby girl to the world. I am grateful also for family who is able to step in and help at a moment's notice, even without being directly asked. There is a definite level of comfort knowing that even though they are not here all the time, they are here when they are truly needed.

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2011!

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