Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hospital Life

Hospital stay, round 2.

I was admitted again on Wednesday for continuing high blood pressure and protein showing up in a urine sample at my appointment. After a third 24 hour urine catch to test the protein, more blood work to check liver and kidney functions, and 30 hours in a hospital bed, I was released with no new diagnosis. The doctor is continuing to call it pregnancy induced hypertension.

The big news of the day is that we decided to set a date to induce labor since my blood pressure does not seem to want to level. So on January 6, we will report to the hospital at 7pm to start the induction process. We expect Ella will make her debut sometime on Friday, January 7.

I am certainly excited to have a date and to know that she will be here soon. I am also on modified bedrest until her arrival, so I will be starting my maternity leave on January 4. It has been nice to have the last two weeks off before her arrival, but it's definitely contributing to the anxiety of wanting her here. Only another week to wait!

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