Monday, February 7, 2011

One Month Old

Today, Ella celebrated her first month of life. Today, we celebrated the things we know about her and the fun she has brought to our lives. At one month old, we know:
-You love to spend time listening to the music playing on your tummy time mat and your swing
-You could sleep for hours in the arms of anyone who would let you
-You have started to work your neck muscles and are able to hold your head up for small amounts of time
-You are on the verge of smiling...every now and then, your lips start to turn upward as you stare into our eyes and we know that in a short time, you will be smiling often

We also had an appointment with Dr. Kisch today. Ella continues to grow. Here are her updated stats:
Birth - 1/7/11 - 8lbs, 2oz
2 Weeks - 1/21/11 - 9lbs, 6 oz
1 Month - 2/7/11 - 10lbs, 12 oz
Birth - 20.5 inches
2 Weeks - 21 inches
1 Month - 21.5 inches

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