Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Help us Win!

Recently, I came across a contest for a documentary-style photography session from Lerin Photography. It caught my attention because I always enjoy photos that are not so staged and truly capture a subject in its natural state of being. On a whim, I decided to enter. It also helped that simply by entering, we received a complimentary mini session. With two adorable girls in my life, who couldn't use a chance to get their photos taken by a talented photographer at a discounted cost? So I submitted the following entry about our lives:

On Saturday mornings, we make pancakes for breakfast. My (almost) 3-year-old daughter loves to help pour and mix the ingredients. By the time the pancakes are ready and we sit down to eat, she almost always has lost interest and asks for a cereal bar instead. I guess when you're 3, you get to change your mind on a whim - even about something you were so excited for - and no one questions it. It's a life lesson, really. Tackling things head on with untainted enthusiasm, but reserving the right to change your mind. That's what our life is about - learning new lessons everyday from our children. Lessons in love, understanding, patience.

I watch as my husband gets her a cereal bar from the pantry, and I am reminded of why I love him. I always heard that when you have children with your spouse, you fall in love all over again. I am blessed to fall in love all over again every single day. I watch him with our daughters and am overcome with gratitude that I have a man in my life who I can count on to be there for all of us. In our house, he is outnumbered 3 to 1 by us women. And I honestly don't think he would have it any other way.

Since we are both working parents, weekends are for family time. With a brand new 3 week old in the house, family time lately consists of puzzles, coloring, tummy time, sharing storybooks, and if we are lucky, a ballet performance from our oldest daughter, who twirls and sings to the music playing from her Mickey Mouse computer in the middle of the living room with a big smile on her face and eyes that light up as if to ask for affirmation that she is a beautiful dancer. And, no doubt, she is.

Sometimes she asks to see her grandparents, and with heavy hearts, we tell her they are "too far away." She is not old enough to know the story of how two New Orleans twenty-somethings ended up losing everything they had in a hurricane five years ago and landed a new life in Katy, TX. She is not old enough to understand the trials those twenty-somethings, who would later become her parents, went through in adjusting and recovering; nor is she old enough to understand how much they battle between the longing for home and the acceptance of happiness they have away from home.

Our life together as a couple has been about adjustments, acceptance of God's plan, and supporting one another through thick and thin. I am so glad to have had my husband beside me through all of it. I want to always remember the way our lives were when we were still so new to parenting two children. As silly as it sounds, I want to remember the chaos that echoes in our home when the baby is crying, the dog is barking, the telephone is ringing, and everyone is frazzled. And beyond that, I want to remember the love that unfolds in the face of that chaos as our older daughter comforts her little sister, my husband gently pats the dog on the head, and we answer the phone to find family on the other end of the line, just calling to check in.

This morning, I found out we were selected as one of six finalists out of a pool of 32 entries. I am beyond excited! So now we just need the support of family and friends to help us win!

To vote for us, visit Lerin Photography's blog and leave a comment at the end of the post voting for family 6 (that's us!). Voting is open through February 15 at 12noon! Thanks for your support!

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