Friday, February 11, 2011

Life Lately

5 weeks has passed since Ella's arrival and we are starting to settle into a routine here in the Schroeder household.

We spent a week in Louisiana visiting with family and friends. Ella was able to meet many people who already loved her before they met her and Molly was able to play with her cousin Emily almost nonstop for 7 days. She was in heaven!

In other news, Molly is almost 3 years old. I look at her in comparison to baby Ella and cannot believe the growth that happens to a child in such a short span of time. As I rock Ella to sleep at night and watch Molly across the room running, dancing, and playing, I get lost in the amazing way children change and learn and grow. I am ever grateful to have these two girls to share those moments of growth and learning with.

The other day, after we picked Molly up from school, I went into Ella's room to change her diaper. Molly came into the room shortly after and when I turned around, this is what I saw...

She has become such a loving mother to her dolls these days. She feeds them, rocks them, changes their diapers, even puts them into Ella's swing, bouncy seat, and carseat throughout the day to entertain them. She wants so badly to help with everything I do with the baby and I was so glad my camera was in the room so I could get this picture of her in action. It just melted my heart.

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