Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Went on Down to the [Houston] Zoo...

It's been cold here lately. Hard freeze, threat of snow, massive power outages, enough to close school kind of cold in the past two weeks. Today, the forecast looked absolutely beautiful and we were tired of being stuck indoors, so in celebration of a perfect day and a special little girl's birthday tomorrow, we decided to head on down to the Houston Zoo. It was the absolute perfect day for the zoo and not at all crowded.

Our friends Michelle and Sean joined us, along with Molly's good friend Alex and her baby brother Liam. We got there right at opening, and decided to catch the first train ride of the day before heading in to see the animals.

We made our way through the entire zoo, including the new African Forest exhibit and took a spin on the carousel at the Children's Zoo before heading home for the day.

All in all, it was perfect weather and a great way to spend our first day outdoors in quite some time.

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